(Bacopa monnieri)
Description: A creeper that spreads on the ground, and grows typically in marshy places.

Main Uses:
- medhya rasayana
- anti-anxiety
- Brain tonic
- Anti-inflammatory
- Relieves depression
- The juice is an ingredient in abhyanga oils and can be applied on painful joints and muscles as an analgesic
Effect on Doshas: Tridoshic mainly pacifies vata and pitta
Rasa (taste): Tikta, kashaya, Madhura (Bitter, astringent, Sweet)
Virya (potency): Sheeta (cooling)
Vipaka (post digestive effect): Katu and Madhura (Pungent and Sweet)
MoreLife Market Products with Brahmi
Yogi Ghee$24.49
Pitta Body Oil$19.45
Vata Body Oil$19.45
Sadhu Soma$34.49
Maha-Rishi Jam (Chyvanprash)$28.45
Lakshmi Body Oil$23.45