Chai was Hijacked by the British
By Mas Vidal (Maheshananda)
Chai as a spiced drink is best to have in early in the morning as these spices have a particular benefit to the digestive system, and they are effective when managing kapha dosha (phlegm). They also offset the increase of body fat by creating a strong metabolism. Balanced digestion is one of the cornerstones of ayurvedic medicine because digestion is the mother of all systems. The health of the digestive system determines the bodyโs ability or lack of ability to sustain health and wellness. Each ingredient in chai contains a multitude of benefits for digestion, complexion, improved immunity, and circulation; it is essentially a cup of tasty medicine. I like to add a special mineral pitch to my chai called shilajit. Shilajit is a superfood of the ancient yogis and connected to Mahadeva (Shiva) himself. Adding a small pinch of this powdered black oozing asphalt, loaded with minerals, gives a great boost to your immune system. Shilajit gives chai a unique smoky, earthy flavor. It is magnificent for reducing toxins and cleansing the colon.
When the British added black tea to chai it changed it substantially for the worse, as black tea leaves contain a high amount of caffeine. When consumed daily, as is commonly the case, it can tax the adrenal glands and lead to chronic fatigue syndrome. Caffeine is not recommended in the least for Vata (air) types or anyone struggling from poor sleep, nervousness, or poor concentration. Chai is best without the black tea, the way it was originally intended to be according to ayurvedaโs practical wisdom.
Originally, chai was prepared with cowโs milk, but over the last century, it has become a common practice to combine it with water and milk in a 50/50 ratio. Today, fewer, and fewer people in Western culture are drinking cowโs milk as a result of the increased consciousness of the inhumane treatment of cows, and the health risks associated with bovine growth hormone (BGH), which is often injected into factory farmed cows to increase productivity. Not only is such treatment of cows, or any animal for that matter, unethical, the impact of these hormones on the human body is linked to many chronic health issues, including cancer and early onset menses in young (pre-teenage) girls. The use of this hormone is not permitted in the European Union, Canada, and many other countries.
In my ayurvedic counseling practice, I spend much time encouraging my clients to reduce the amount of dairy and caffeine they consume, with varying emphasis, depending on their constitution. The other issue with drinking chai is with regards to how it is sweetened. Many franchises aim to sell more drinks, so they sweeten chai with high amounts of sugar. High amounts of sugar in the modern diet have been linked to diabetes, obesity, inflammatory conditions, and psychological addiction to food and beverages. The main issues with the chai sold in commercial places is the poor quality of spices, the processing of the spice blend, and the type of milk and sugar being used.
Commercially processed white sugar is made by first extracting sugar juice from sugar beet or the sugar cane plant, however, problems begin when adding chemicals and preservatives while processing after this initial extraction. There are many alternatives to this processed sugar. Traditionally, in ayurveda, honey is used as a conduit for taking herbal medicines as it is a super and medicinal food. Honey is considered highly purifying for the mind, it improves vision, and increases the synergistic quality of herbs and spices when taken together. Jaggery is a form of sugar mostly produced in Maharashtra, India, and its use dates back thousands of years as mentioned in ayurvedic texts. Chai is much more effective and soothing when it is sweetened with honey or jaggery and does not take away from the savory tastes of the spices. Powerful energizing jams, like the classic chyvanaprash are also sometimes sweetened with jaggery. Coconut sugar is another type of sugar that is soft and soothing in taste and has a lower glycemic index, which means it is easier to metabolize and reduces the risk of diabetes.
Ideally, the best form of chai is derived from organic fresh spices that are brewed with some type of organic nut milk of your choice, however it is not comparable to the restorative properties of healthy cowโs milk. Such a blend brings great enhancement to the digestive, circulatory, and immune systems. It works best when integrated into a lifestyle regimen and enjoyed in the morning when kapha dosha is predominant between 6-10 am. Drinking chai will promote bowel regularity and keep you connected to using spices in your diet for health and wellness and not just using spices for special occasions. Using spices daily is essential to good health. Mother Nature has given the world such remarkable food medicines in the form of spices, and the world owes much to the wisdom of ayurveda that has made its way around the world in the form of a sweet little cup of tea. Jai Chai! (Victory to spiced tea!).
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