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Vedic counseling with Mas Vidal includes an integral approach to health and wellness and spirituality, using the wisdom of ayurveda, yoga and vedic astrology (jyotish is sometimes referred to as sidereal or hindu astrology). Sessions cover a range of areas related to your life, including karma, career, diet, relationships and whatever factors necesssary for establishing a sound mind-body relationship. One of the central goals of vedic counseling is to ensure the person is living in accordance with natures laws and in alignment with their life’s purpose. Each persons soul has distinctive features and qualities that must be understood to support the path of living an evolutionary lifestyle. For over 15 years Mas Vidal has counseled people from all walks of life and has established an international clientele. His natural and practical counsel is rooted in the mystical lineage based wisdom traditions of India as well as years of experience in clinical detoxification therapies, diet, herbology, meditation and sports and physical yoga therapy.

Each session is essentially a complete Ayurvedic assessment that focuses on determination of the persons body-mind constitution (dosha) and addresses any major imbalances a person may be challenged with. Sessions also include a review of the astrological birth (natal) chart with emphasis on the medical (health) indicators to alleviate discomforting symptoms and identify the causes of the doshas. Understanding your dosha type is the first step towards Ayurvedic healing and is highly recommended especially if you are interested in doing the Detox Program.ย  These sessions are also important for yoga teachers needing support with lifestyle balance and for refining their spiritual practices (sadhana).

Choose Your Focus
Clients can either choose to focus their counseling sessions on Ayurveda and health related matters, which will always include astrological factors or a person can choose to focus more on spiritual evolution and alignment with their dharma or life purpose. Sessions can also cover both topics, however this will require more than one session. Often times becasue a person is not working in a field or sector that aligns with their karma it will create fragmentation between the mind-body relationship, thus creating health issues and a lack of happiness. Regardless of your focus, the principles of yoga, ayurveda and jyotish will be integrative in a seemless manner to promote success in your life.

The Astrological Factor
Vedic astrology is a insightful method of understanding the unseen karmic influences in a persons life. Proper analysis of the birth chart can provide answers to often mysterious diseases and complicated health issues. In each session Mas will analyze the birth chart, look at the placement of nine planets and decifer the influences they have on the clients health and ultimately determine whether the person is in alignment with their dharma (life purpose), a crucial factor of health, happiness and spiritual evolution. Mas always explores the chart to discover a persons spiritual potential, encouraging them to adhere to life’s highest ideal of self realization. Such things as mantras, breathing techniques and customized lessons in meditation are given to promote a living a spiritual life. Ayurveda provides an array of remedial measures to counter balance the effects of negative karma in the birth chart and for restoring overall balance.

Consultation Options
~ In person consultations are now being offered in the southern California areas:ย Ventura, Ojai, Los Angeles, Irvine and Encinitas (San Diego).
~ Sessions are also always offered in many cities visited by Mas Vidal during travel to events. See his travel schedule.
~ Skype or phone sessions are also available and commonly used by clients outside of the USA or those not able to attend one of his events.

~ In person consultations are now being offered in the southern California areas:ย Ventura, Ojai, Los Angeles, Irvine and Encinitas (San Diego).
~ Sessions are also always offered in many cities visited by Mas Vidal during travel to events. See his travel schedule.
~ Skype or phone sessions are also available and commonly used by clients outside of the USA or those not able to attend one of his events.

Note:ย Booking a consultation can take 2-4 weeks depending on availability which varies from month to month. Scheduling follow ups can also vary from from 2-4 weeks depending on his availability and travel schedule. Clients-students are responsible for scheduling their follow ups by emailing Mas directly.

Book a Vedic Counseling Consultation with Mas Vidal

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