(Azadiracta Indica)
Description: Neem (Azadirachta indica) is a type of evergreen tree native to India. In Ayurvedic medicine, neem extract has long been used for a variety of health-related purposes.

Main Uses:
- Relieves constiaption
- Relieves Cough
- Aids gastric ulcers
- Aids Asthma
- Supports Immune system
- Promotes healthy skin and blood
- Supports respiratory system
- Supports Agni
- Supports hair growth
- Supports healthy blood sugar levels
Effect on Doshas: Reduces Kapha and Vata
Rasa (taste): Tikta (Bitter)
Virya (potency): Sheeta (Cooling)
Vipaka (post digestive effect): Katu (Pungent)
MoreLife Market Products with Neem
Vedenta Toothpaste$7.00
Pitta Body Oil$19.45
Yoga Body Oil$23.45
Veda Detox$34.49