Terminalia Chebula
Description: The Terminalia Chebula (Harida) tree grows in deciduous forests and is almost 100m high. The leaves are oval and arranged opposite. The fruit is a drupe, small and nut-like. The seeds are elliptical in shape. The flowers are monoecious, dull white to yellow in color. It is one among the ‘Triphala’. The seed of the plant is sweet, but the fiber part is sour in nature. The fruit rind is bitter and the seed is astringent in nature. The fruit is hot in nature.
Main Uses:
- Anti-bacterial
- Anti- inflammatory
- Anti-aging effects
- Supports Agni
- Supports circulatory system
- Supports and enhances mental health
- Supports respiratory system
Effect on Doshas: Tridoshic
Rasa (taste): Katu (Pungent), Tikta (Bitter), Kashaya (Astringent), Madhura (Sweet), Alma (Sour)
Virya (potency): Ushna (Heating)
Vipaka (post digestive effect): Madhura (Sweet)
MoreLife Market Products with Terminalia Chebula
Tri-Dosha Oil (Dhanvantaram Oil)$19.45
Maha-Rishi Jam (Chyvanprash)$28.45
Yoga Body$34.49
Veda Detox$34.49
Sama Digest$34.49