Ajwan (Apium graveolens) Wild Celery Seeds
Description: Ajwain is native to the Middle East and is still common in Egypt as well as Indian cooking. Like turmeric, ajwain is a spice used to enhance digestibility rather than flavor. All parts of this herb have a very strong scent and can be used for medicine.

Main Uses:
ยท Powerful antibacterial and antifungal properties.
ยท Balances agni- Helps in boosting our digestive functions by facilitating the release of gastric juices.
ยท Ajwain contains thymol- which is also the active antiseptic ingredient in some toothpastes.
ยท Anti-inflammatory properties.
ยท Eases respiratory infections
ยท Prevents hypertension, aids cardio health
Effect on Doshas: Pacifying Vata and Kapha, and increases Pitta
Rasa (taste): Bitter & pungent (Tikta & Katu)
Virya (potency): Heating (Ushna)
Vipaka (post digestive effect): Pungent (Katu)
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