Amalaki fruit (Emblica officinalis)
Description: A fruit originally grown all over India. Amalaki is helpful for a wide variety of health problems, improving healthy functioning of the liver, heart, brain, and lungs. It’s also a component of a popular Ayurvedic remedy called triphala, thought to enhance immunity and treat various health conditions. In Sanskrit, the word Amalaki means “the sustainer.”
Main Uses:
ยท Supports healthy metabolism, digestion and elimination
ยท Promotes anti-inflammatory properties that cool, tone, and nourish tissues and organs*
ยท Nourishes the heart and respiratory system
ยท Assists natural internal cleansing and maintains regularity
ยท Natural antioxidant
ยท Promotes healthy eyes, hair, nails, and skin
ยท Balances agni (digestive fire)
ยท Builds ojas to support a healthy immune response and youthfulness
Effect on Doshas: Amla pacifies vata, pitta, and kapha, though it is especially calming to pitta.
Rasa (taste): Five except lavana (salty). Alma (sour) is the main
Virya (potency): (potent energy): cooling
Vipaka (post digestive effect): Madhura (sweet)
MoreLife Market Products with Amalaki
Prana Enhance$34.49
Tri-Dosha Oil (Dhanvantaram Oil)$19.45
Yoga Body$34.49
Veda Detox$34.49
Sama Digest$34.49