(Zingiber Officinale)
Description: Ginger, Zingiber officinale, is an erect, herbaceous perennial plant in the family Zingiberaceae grown for its edible rhizome (root) which is widely used as a spice. Originated in south east Asia.

Main Uses:
- Supports Agni
- Supports immune system
- Supports respiratory system
- Supports circulatory system
- Supports menstrual cramps
- Relieves nausea
- Supports dyspepsia
Effect on Doshas: Pacifies Vata (fresh ginger) and Kapha (dry ginger)
Rasa (taste): Katu and Madhura (Pungent and Sweet)
Virya (potency): Ushna (Heating)
Vipaka (post digestive effect): Madhura (Sweet)
MoreLife Market Products with Ginger
Cozy Calm Tea$28.99
Detox Tea$28.99
Spice Mix$21.49
Yoga Body$34.49
Veda Detox$34.49
Yogi Chai ™$28.99