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Yoga Body Protein Powder


Yoga Body Protein Powder is organic, vegan protein supplement created with 3 simple ingredients for Yogis.

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Yoga Body Protein Powder • Superfood for the body!

As per the wisdom of Ayurveda, the stomach is the most sensitive organ and as a result, we created a formula that is 100% pure and simple containing only three primary ingredients (peas, hemp & chia seeds) so that your yoga body can easily absorb all the protein it needs. Yoga Body Protein Powder is especially important for Vata (air) and Pitta (fire) types to support their muscle tissue and can also be used by Kapha (water) types that are interested in getting leaner. MCT powder is derived from coconut oil, “MCTs” are medium-chain triglycerides, a form of saturated fatty acid that is excellent for the nervous system and brain. The magical Monk fruit, well known in Asia is a sweetener made from the extract derived from dried fruit. The extract is remarkably 150-250 times sweeter than table sugar, has zero calories and carbs, and does not raise blood glucose levels. Monk fruit is excellent for those with diabetic concerns and individuals who avoid moderate sugar.

Preparation Options:

Yoga Body Protein Powder (YBPP) can be added to fruit smoothies, cereals, oatmeal, or even plain juice. YBPP can be added to smoothies using fruits according to your mind-body type (Prakriti). It is an excellent supplement after yoga practice or exercise and combines well with our herbal formulas. YBPP can also be taken as a meal replacement for breakfast or lunch and promotes support during a winter or spring detox. Feel the boost, feel the strength and keep your yoga practice thriving.

1lb – (16 ounces)

Serving Size:

Add 1-2 tablespoons (or one scoop) to your favorite milk or juice. The amount will vary depending on a person’s body weight or physical activity. For more active types or larger smoothies 2 scoops or 2 tablespoon heapings is recommended daily and half the amount for days off from practice or exercise.

High Grade Pea Protein:

Our pea protein is a food grade pea protein (80%) isolate produced from 100% non-GMO natural Indian grown yellow peas under specific process conditions and parameters which comply GMP and FDA product standards.  Pea protein provides high level of nutrition and functionality with excellent Amino acid profile.

Amino acid content (g/100g protein)
Aspartic acid                8.58
Threonine                     3.19
Glutamic acid              14.6
Serine                            4.53
Histidine                      2.35
Glycine                         3.13
Arginine                       8.50
Alanine                         3.09
Tyrosine                       3.16
Valine                           3.51
Methionine                   0.66
Phenylalanine              4.24
Isoleucine                      3.64
Leucine                         7.22
Lysine                           6.15
Proline                          3.60
Cystine                         0.18
Tryptophan                  0.60


  • Organic Pea Protein
  • Organic Hempseed powder
  • Organic chia seeds
  • Organic MCT oil
  • Organic Monk Fruit
  • Organic vanilla

*MCT oil was added to this product for its many benefits and to reduce clumping. MCT oil stands for medium-chain triglycerides oil. Research has shown MCT oil boosts brain function and overall mental clarity. The main source of MCTs is from coconuts and secondly from Palm kernel oil. In general MCT oil promotes weight-fat loss, reduces the build-up of lactic acid which is important for Hatha yogi’s that want to increase their posture hold time. MCT promotes healthy and balanced digestion and increases energy levels as a result of better absorption of food nutrients. It is helpful for lowering cholesterol and circulation. Note: The protein powder packaging ingredients do not list the MCT oil, by mistake.

Favorite Smoothie Recipes

Choice of Milk: Hemp, soy, almond, oat etc..
Ingredients: 1 fresh banana, 2-3 dates, tablespoon of peanut butter, small handful of arugula, 1 teaspoon of cacao powder.
YG Protein powder: 1 scoop.

Choice of Milk: Hemp, soy, almond, oat etc..
Ingredients: Orange juice, fresh banana, whole fresh strawberries, small handful of arugula.
YG Protein Powder: 1 scoop

Disclaimer: The information provided in our product videos is mainly for general educational purposes. Please do not consider the statements made as valid for all body-constitutional types or as medical advice. Any recommendations or suggestions made should be evaluated according to your own constitution and health care needs and according to the advice of an Ayurveda practitioner or counselor.
Weight 16 oz
Dimensions 6 × 6 × 8 in
SKU: EX-0J99-BK2N Category: