Amalaki fruit (Emblica officinalis)
Description: A fruit originally grown all over India. Amalaki is helpful for a wide variety of health problems, improving healthy functioning of the liver, heart, brain, and lungs. It’s also a component of a popular Ayurvedic remedy called triphala, thought to enhance immunity and treat various health conditions. In Sanskrit, the word Amalaki means “the sustainer.”

Main Uses:
· Supports healthy metabolism, digestion and elimination
· Promotes anti-inflammatory properties that cool, tone, and nourish tissues and organs*
· Nourishes the heart and respiratory system
· Assists natural internal cleansing and maintains regularity
· Natural antioxidant
· Promotes healthy eyes, hair, nails, and skin
· Balances agni (digestive fire)
· Builds ojas to support a healthy immune response and youthfulness
Effect on Doshas: Amla pacifies vata, pitta, and kapha, though it is especially calming to pitta.
Rasa (taste): Five except lavana (salty). Alma (sour) is the main
Virya (potency): (potent energy): cooling
Vipaka (post digestive effect): Madhura (sweet)
MoreLife Market Products with Amalaki
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Veda Detox$34.49
Sama Digest$34.49